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    Dental treatment under general anesthesia

    Can dental treatment under general anesthesia be a solution for you?

    Very often people do not go to the dentist either because of unpleasant memories of dental treatment or because they simply cannot tolerate any foreign means in their mouths. One can easily lose the courage to go to a dentist but one must also be aware this will unfortunately take revenge at a later date. In today’s modern world, it is no longer necessary to be afraid of a dentist. There are more and more modern technologies and anesthetics suitable for avoiding discomfort.

    But the “perfect” solution is dental treatment under general anesthesia or also called anesthetic dentistry. This way, there is no more discomfort, the tension is removed, and all you remember is comfortable sleep at the dentist.

    However, anesthesia requires a serious professional background. Machines, medicine, regulatory approvals and professionals are all important and essential parts of a responsible work. For whom-where-when you get general anesthesia is of great importance.

    What to be aware of when preparing for general anesthesia

    General anesthesia is a complex procedure that affects the entire body. Therefore, it is important to inform the dentist in detail about your health background, to do blood test, urine as well as ECG tests before the dentist starts the treatment under general anesthesia.

    If you have certain illnesses, anesthesia would be too risky and / or unnecessary for you. These include: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, nervous system disorders, certain allergies, asthma, or weak immune system. If you want to get your dental treatment under general anesthesia you should check with your dentist first.

    The anesthesiologist will also ask you to answer some questions regarding your health background. This information, together with the results from the laboratory, forms the basis for the anesthesiologist and the dentist to decide whether or not they start the your treatment.

    Patients choose anesthetic dentistry for a variety of reasons:


    – Phobia related to dental treatment

    – A previous bad experience with dental treatment

    – Particular sensitivity

    – Immunity from local anesthesia

    – General anxiety


    General anesthesia makes the treatment experience pleasant, as you no longer feel any pain or fear. Our professional team consists of experienced dental specialists and anesthesiologists dedicated to performing safe and excellent anesthesia work.