Sedation or general anesthesia under dental treatment. When and how?
Just like thousands of other patients, you may also ask yourself “ Is it possible to get a dental treatment without any pain?”
1. Sedation or general anesthesia could be an answer on your question.
Sedation or anesthesia is offered when:
- You are afraid of dental treatment
- You might have particularly sensitive oral nerves
- You might have a little mouth
- Or in case of severe dental surgery
Usually, we talk about sedation when you receive a small pill from the dentist that makes you relax. You are in a state between sleepy and relaxed but aware of what happens during your treatment. You will not feel any pain.
During general anaesthesia on the other hand, you are not aware of what is happening, because you are sleeping. This means that you will not feel, hear or remember anything about what is going on around you during the surgery.
2. Things that are important to know before choosing sedation or general anesthesia
Before you get one or the other, you should inform your dentist about your complete illness history, including all the medications you are currently taking. It is also important for the dentist to know whether you smoke or drink alcohol. In addition, you should tell him, if you are allergic to any particular drug, so that the dentist together with you can make the right decision regarding your treatment.
3. Anesthesia is safe
If the dentist recommends dental treatment during general anesthesia, due to a complicated surgery as a full mouth restoration, you should have blood analysis first. This is important for the anesthesiologist to have the result of blood analyses before your treatment starts.
Using anesthesia is safer today, because of advances in both technology and medication. E.g. the anesthesiologist uses pulse oximeter to ensure that you get enough oxygen during surgery.
3.1 Disadvantage of sedation or general anesthesia under dental treatment
There is no disadvantage really for using sedation, besides the fact that it is not always enough.
The side effects for using general anesthesia are also very minor:
- nausea
- sore throat, because of breathing tube
So, as you can see both sedation and general anesthesia can be used in dentistry. But the most important thing is to talk to you dentist about these possibilities and ask his opinion in you case.