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    7 reasons for choosing Immediate Loadable Dental Implants

    7 reasons for choosing immediate loadable dental implants

    Dental Clinic Budapest  offers  you permanent, stable teeth with immediate loadable dental implants.  You will regain your nice smile and your chewing function  with us within only a week. In the following you will get to know why dental implants are better than dentures.

    If you have removable denture, you know how uncomfortable and unpleasant it can be. You might talk to someone or eat and suddenly you denture falls out. You feel embarrassed and wish you could have a better solution. Well, there is an alternative solution, -dental implants. A tooth implant is a tiny screw which replaces a tooth root. It is made of titanium and totally accepted by the human body. On the top of the implant the dentist can adjust a crown, which is a fake tooth.

    Here are the top 7 reasons for choosing immediate loadable dental implants:

    1. Attractive appearance

    A smile can say more than 1000 words. With teeth anchored on dental implants you can have gorgeous smile  again. A nice smile can have wonderful impact on people because you look more attractive.  You do not need to hide your smile anymore.

    2. Self-confidence

    As mentioned earlier, the denture can cause unpleasant situation . However this cannot happen with dental bridges/crowns anchored on immediate loadable dental implants. They are stable and look natural.


    3. Comfort

    While dentures may hurt your mouth and they need to get removed every day,  the bridges with implants are very comfortable and stay stable in your mouth.  You clean them just like they were your own natural teeth.


    4. Clear speech

    Dental implants give you the possibility to communicate clearly and confidently with other people.  There is no more mumbling because of loose denture.

    5. Joy of eating

    Since the denture moves easily , it can be difficult to eat the food properly. Furthermore the taste of the food is also gone. But once you have teeth on implants, this is not a problem anymore. Finally you have the proper chewing function back and hereby  the taste of the food can be enjoyed as well. There is no more boundaries for what you can or cannot eat anymore. Your healthy lifestyle will thereby improve drastically. By receiving immediate loadable dental implants you are able to eat already by the end of your 5th day of treatment.

    6. Durability

    95% of the immediate loading dental implants have a warranty of 10 years. However , if you take care of them with proper oral hygiene they last lifelong.


    7. Cost effective

    Dental Clinic Budapest offers you immediate loadable dental implants at high quality but at reasonable price.

    The implants are inserted during a few hours under no pain and by the end of the week you will have a beautiful smile and  a proper chewing ability regained.